My beautiful granddaughter

Emily Cathleen Tracy

was born on December 2, 2004

4 lbs, 9 oz, 18 in long

I'm in LOVE!!!  (Can you blame me? Look at her!)

Dec 2004 - Jan 2005

Apr 2005 - Jul 2005

Aug 2005 - Oct 2005

Oct 2005 - Dec 2005

Christmas 2005

Jan 2006 - Apr 2006

Jun 2006 - Dec 2006

picture taken Dec 3, 2004
Our poor little Emily had a little bit of a rough start.  Because she was 5 weeks early, she had to be in an incubator... on oxygen and monitors.  We couldn't even hold her for a week!  But they assured us that this was all "normal" for a preemie.

picture taken Dec 10, 2004
It seems like every picture we took of Emily, her arm was up in the air.  I call her Emily Cat (like those Japanese "Lucky Cats")

picture taken Dec 10, 2004
Here's the proud Mommy and Daddy (Michelle and Keir).

picture taken Dec 12, 2004
Michelle gives Emily a bath for the first time.  The tube in her mouth is a feeding tube because she hasn't been able to eat enough to sustain her.

picture taken Dec 14, 2004
Isn't she gorgeous???  They moved the feeding tube to her nose because it is more comfy there.

picture taken Jan 1, 2005
Grammy and Emily on New Year's Day 2005.

picture taken Jan 8, 2005
Here's Grandma... holding her little Emily!!  Notice she's doing her Lucky Cat imitation again.

picture taken Jan 8, 2005
Emily is saying "Bye Bye" for now!!  We'll have more cute pictures soon!

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