Dec 2004 - Jan 2005

Apr 2005 - Jul 2005

Aug 2005 - Oct 2005

Oct 2005 - Dec 2005

Christmas 2005

Jan 2006 - Apr 2006

Jun 2006 - Dec 2006

picture taken Aug 11, 2005
Here's Emily in bed with Grammy.

picture taken Aug 11, 2005
Emily and Grammy again. They kept each other company a lot before God took Grammy from us. Notice Emmy's good imitation of Charlie Brown's head.

picture taken Sep 17, 2005

Goodness she is CUTE!

picture taken Sep 17, 2005
Emily and her pal, Adrian Monkey. She LOVES that monkey.

picture taken Oct 22, 2005
Emily came and helped us at the doggie adoption!

picture taken Oct 22, 2005
Having fun with her Grandma at the doggie adoption.

picture taken Oct 22, 2005
"I don't know about those doggies, Momma!"

picture taken Oct 22, 2005
Click on this picture and you'll see why I call it "Devil Child".  Look at those teeth!

picture taken Oct 23, 2005
We've decided not to let Uncle Bob teach Emily sign language anymore.  What do you think she's trying to say in this picture? 

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