Dec 2004 - Jan 2005

Apr 2005 - Jul 2005

Aug 2005 - Oct 2005

Oct 2005 - Dec 2005

Christmas 2005

Jan 2006 - Apr 2006

Jun 2006 - Dec 2006

picture taken Apr 8, 2005
Here's my girl with her grandma at 4 months old!

picture taken Apr 8, 2005
What a happy baby!

picture taken Apr 05
She's a bathing beauty.  She LOVES taking a bath!

picture taken May 8, 2005
Here is Miss Emmy with her Grammy.

picture taken May 8, 2005
Tra-la-la-la-la!  I think Emily takes after her Mommy who likes to sing (and is very good at it too if I might add).

picture taken May 05
I love this picture of Emily and her mom.

picture taken Jun 05
Grandma with her Emily monkey!


picture taken Jul 22, 2005
She was laughing and playing but every time I pointed the camera at her, she was mesmerized.

picture taken Jul 22, 2005
What a charmer.  She just melts my heart!

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