(Since Bone by Bone)
"Rara Avis"
- published in Gulf Coast
Autumn 2002 issue
- "Payback Time"
- published in Men Seeking Women
edited by Jonathan Karp in electronic book form (Random House) in February 2001
and in paperback (Vintage) in March 2001
- "Sleep"
- Writer's Harvest 2
edited by Ethan Canin (Harcourt Brace)
Also: Included in Birth: A Literary Companion
a collection of birth-related literature (University of Iowa Press) in Fall 2002
Also: Included in The Insomniac's Handbook
a collection of sleep-related literature (Byron Preiss Books) in Spring 2001
- "An Innocent Bystander"
- Playboy -- April 1998
Also: Included in Best American Mystery Stories 1999
edited by Ed McBain (Houghton Mifflin)
- "An Unsheltered Island"
- The Hudson Review 50th Anniversary Issue
Spring 1998