project project project project
project project
project project
project project project

"Outside Spaces", Inside

  • openings and edges are the point of contact between outside and inside
  • one feels the presence of outisde from within the rooms
  • stretches the envelope - diminishes the sense of enclosure, de-emphasizes edges
  • even closed doors sometimes "feel" more open than windows or glass: sense of movement vs. view
  • the "sense" of space is altered by the quality of light inside, even without a view
  • inside experiences are transformed through exposure to changes in weather, time and season

"Inside Spaces", Outside

  • one feels the protection of "inside", while outside
  • serves as a transition space or "in-between"
  • the rhythm and repetition of columns and beams delineate and divide a space, giving it order and disciplined movement
  • a bounding or framing of space of minimal form, yet still creates "place"
  • extends the sphere of influence of the built form