Creating Additional Nickname/Address Book Files within Eudora

Once people learn how to configure Eudora Pro for multiple Nickname or Address Book files, a common question is "OK, now I have a place to put the nicknames, but how do I get a new Nickname/Address Book file started so that it will show up on the list?"

You can do it outside of Eudora with any text editor. This note explains how to create a new nickname from within Eudora. The methods for Eudora Pro 2.2 and Eudora Pro 3.0 are different.

Using Eudora Pro 3.0

  1. Start Eudora (if it's already running, then you have already done this step).

  2. Open the Address Book window

  3. Select "New"

  4. Type in a name for "What do you wish to call it?" Note: it is probably best to avoid putting a space in the name, especially with the 16-bit version. You can probably get away with it in the 32-bit version.

  5. Select "Make it a file"

  6. Select OK

The new nickname file is now created, and will show up in the Nickname list. You don't need to restart Eudora, or close-and-open the Address Book, or anything. You can then add names to it at will. Moving existing nicknames from other files into the new file still requires cutting and pasting, however, either within Eudora or outside of Eudora.

Using Eudora Pro 2.2

NOTE:The official Eudora FAQ now covers this, too.

  1. Start Eudora (if it's already running, then you have already done this step).

  2. Choose any one of the following methods per additional nickname file created. Note that choice (a) requires that you know the format of Eudora Nickname files, while (b) and (c) do not.

    1. Select File / New and type in (or cut and paste from another source) the contents of your new nickname file.

    2. Select File / Open, choose nndbase.txt, and obliterate all but one line (leave one that begins with "alias..."). This becomes the "seed" of your new nicknames file, which you can modify or delete later using the usual Eudora nicknames interface, or you can just leave it be.

    3. Select File / Open and choose any file and obliterate all text.

  3. Select File / Save As and save it as <anyname>.txt in the nickname sub-directory of your main Eudora directory. If you don't already have a nickname sub-directory, switch over to File Manager or File Explorer and create one (ok, that's going outside of Eudora, but this is Windows, after all).

  4. Close the window for text file you just created (this is optional).

  5. If your Nicknames window is open, close it.

  6. Open your Nicknames list by clicking on the toolbar icon, selecting Tools / Nicknames, or Ctrl-L, and look at the nickname list. The nickname(s) you just created probably near the bottom of the list, and the name of the file you created is shown in upper-case in the top right corner of the nicknames window.
If you chose method (c) in Step 2, then there will be nothing to see in Step 6 when using Eudora 2.2, but the file will be accessible in the drop down menu of the New Nickname window when you press "New" in the Nickname window or choose Make Nickname from the main menu (or Ctrl-K).

Please let me know if this doesn't work for you.

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