Atticus resides with his owners in Ridgeley, WV and will be taking some time off from the show ring to start his agility career. Born on 08 March 2002, he is BbEE (black, carries liver, doesn't carry yellow). Scroll down for more pictures.
Another Best of Winners, 09 March 2002
Atticus at one year!
Atticus Winning WD/BW at Howard Co., 25 Nov 01
Atticus at 8 1/2 months
Red - Day 55
Claymore's Mockingbird of TH
Day 46 - Time for a little siesta under the stairs
Day 37 - Mr. Red checking out the yard
Day 19 - White, Red, Yellow, and Purple
Day 10 - Blue, Purple, White, and Red Napping
Day 9 - Red, Taking a nap
Day 2 - Almost Everyone's still hungry